Women’s Initiative
Watch the Women’s Initiative Seminar
Our mission is to develop an initiative tailored to help guide members through the challenges faced by women in science. The program’s intent is to promote professional advancement through raising awareness of unconscious bias, providing strategies members can implement to increase professional confidence, be empowered to overcome challenges, and be guided towards creating equality in the field of cardiovascular science. The program is open to all, including ECI, MCI, men and gender diverse individuals.
Melissa Brodrick, M.Ed.
Director and Ombuds, Harvard Ombuds Office, Harvard University
Effective Negotiation Skills for the Workplace
Women’s Initiative Events at ISHR-NAS Madison 2023
The Women’s Initiative hosted fun and interactive events at the ISHR-NAS meeting in Madison in June 2023. We held a lively, packed breakfast event with a panel discussion on the importance of self-advocacy, mentorship and sponsorship at all career levels. Issues raised included a current void of coaching for early career investigators and how to be a good mentor, run a lab and negotiate for optimal professional opportunities.
The Madison meeting saw the launch of the ISHR mentorship scheme, with esteemed volunteer mid- career and established scientists making themselves available to trainees for career questions, concerns and advice. The full list of mentors can be found below.
The meeting closed with a stunning sunset boat and dinner cruise on beautiful lake Mendota. Please join us for more networking, advocacy, and support-filled events in Los Angeles in 2024!
Our Leadership committee
(senior, mid and early career representation)
Carmen (Kika) Sucharov
Professor of Medicine, Division of Cardiology, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
Ying Ge
Professor of Cell and Regenerative Biology, University of Wisconsin–Madison.
Taben Hale
Associate Professor, Basic Medical Sciences and Clinical Translational Sciences, University of Arizona
Maria Kontaridis
Executive Director, Director of Research and Gordon K. Moe Professor and Chair Biomedical Research and Translational Medicine, Masonic Medical Research Institute.
Priscila Sato
Pilar Alcaide
Assistant Dean of Faculty Development,
Kenneth and JoAnn G Wellner Professor and Associate Professor Immunology, Tufts University
Cat Makarewich
Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, The Heart Institute and Division of Molecular Cardiovascular Biology, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Kathleen (KC) Woulfe
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Cardiology, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
Alexandra (Bobbie) Garvin
Assistant Professor
Department of Physiology
East Carolina University
Brody School of Medicine
Women’s Initiative Mentorship Program
Federica Accornero | federica.accornero@osumc.edu | The Ohio State University |
Pilar Alcaide | pilar.alcaide@tufts.edu | Tufts University |
Joan Heller Brown | jhbrown@ucsd.edu | University of California San Diego |
Michael Czubryt | MCzubryt@sbrc.ca | St. Boniface Hospital |
Jennifer Davis | jendavis@uw.edu | University of Washington |
Federica del Monte | delmonte@musc.edu | The Medical University of South Carolina |
Ying Ge | ying.ge@wisc.edu | University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Christopher Glembotski | cglembotski@arizona.edu | University of Arizona |
Rebekah Gundry | rebekah.gundry@unmc.edu | University of Nebraska Medical Center |
Asa Gustafsson | abgustafsson@health.ucsd.edu | University of California San Diego |
Taben Hale | tabenh@arizona.edu | University of Arizona |
Samantha Harris | samharris@arizona.edu | University of Arizona |
Susan Howlett | susan.howlett@dal.ca | Dalhousie University |
Steven.P. Jones | Steven.P.Jones@Louisville.edu | University of Louisville |
Tim Kamp | tjk@medicine.wisc.edu | University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Jonathan Kirk | jkirk2@luc.edu | Loyola University |
Lorrie Kirshenbaum | LKirshenbaum@sbrc.ca | St. Boniface Hospital Research Center |
Richard Kitsis | richard.kitsis@einsteinmed.edu | Albert Einstein College of Medicine |
Walter Koch | walter.koch@temple.edu | Temple University |
Maria Kontaridis | mkontaridis@mmri.edu | Masonic Medical Research Institute |
Aikaterini Kontrogianni-Konstantopoulos | akontrogianni@som.umaryland.edu | University of Maryland |
Evangelia (Litsa) G. Kranias | kraniaeg@ucmail.uc.edu | University of Cincinnati |
Elizabeth McNally | elizabeth.mcnally@northwestern.edu | Northwestern University |
Tish Elizabeth Murphy | murphy1@nhlbi.nih.gov | NIH/NHLBI |
Peipei Ping | pping38@g.ucla.edu | UCLA |
Nicole Purcell | nicole.purcell@hmri.org | Huntington Medical Research Institutes |
Glen Pyle | gpyle@uoguelph.ca | University of Guelph |
Michael Regnier | mregnier@uw.edu | University of Washington |
Stacey Rentschler | stacey.rentschler@wustl.edu | Washington University in St. Louis |
Sakthivel Sadayappan | sadayasl@ucmail.uc.edu | University of Cincinnati |
Susmita Sahoo | susmita.sahoo@mssm.edu | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai |
Farah Sheikh | fasheikh@ucsd.edu | University of California San Diego |
R. John Solaro | solarorj@uic.edu | University of Illinois Chicago |
Kika Sucharov | kika.sucharov@cuanschutz.edu | University of Colorado Anschutz |
Michelle Tallquist | Michelle.tallquist@hawaii.edu | University of Hawaii |
Jil C Tardiff | jtardiff@email.arizona.edu | University of Arizona |
Rong Tian | rongtian@uw.edu | University of Washington |
Douglas Tilley | Douglas.tilley@temple.edu | Temple University |
Hector Valdiva | hvaldivia@wisc.edu | University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Jennifer Van Eyk | Jennifer.VanEyk@cshs.org | Cedars-Sinai |
Beata Wolska | bwolska@uic.edu | University of Illinois Chicago |
Joe Wu | joewu@stanford.edu | Stanford University |
Katherine Yutzey | Katherine.Yutzey@cchmc.org | Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center |
Jianyi Zhang | jayzhang@uab.edu | The University of Alabama at Birmingham |