Mid Career Investigator (MCI)

The ISHR has made it a priority to promote training and career development opportunities for Mid-Career Investigators (MCIs) in the cardiovascular sciences at all stages, from Senior Assistant Professor to Associate Professor, to mid-level and full-time faculty. Each person at the mid-career stage — with 8+ years of experience and single R01 Funding — faces unique challenges and the ISHR is committed to supporting and assisting them all.

MCI’s Goal

Established in 2019, the MCI Council and its members for the North American Section include Early and Advanced Associate Professors in cardiovascular research.

Our mission is to promote career development and scientific interaction among all MCIs of the ISHR. The major goals of the MCI include:

  • enhanced career development
  • collaborative research
  • collaborative funding
  • interdisciplinary research among MCIs across the globe

Annual meetings/social events among MCI during the ISHR conferences have formed a platform to have vibrant discussions on research interests, development of collaborations, as well as career advancement.

We believe that career opportunities and professional growth will enhance the MCIs through North American conferences and hence we encourage ISHR leadership to continue providing opportunities to actively participate, presenting lectures, and chairing/co-chairing sessions.

MCI Research Competition Award


Zhao Wang-Winner
Partha Dutta-Finalist 
Rajasekaran Namakkal Soorappan-Finalist


Guo Huang-Winner
Susmita Sahoo-Finalist
Zhong Wang-Finalist


ISHR NAS MID Career Investigator Research Competition Award

The Mid-Career Investigator Research Competition award is newly established by the
International Society for Heart Research North American section to recognize outstanding original research in the field of cardiovascular sciences by mid-career investigators. Up to three finalists will be shortlisted to present their work at the North American Section meeting in Long Beach, CA in August 2024. It is expected that all finalists will attend and participate in the entire Section meeting.

After reviewing the eligibilities and requirements, a compiled PDF file should be submitted to kelleybrodsky.ishrnas@gmail.com.

Download MICA eligibilities and requirements

MCI Council Members


Introducing the Mid Career Investigator Committee: A dedicated team of professionals committed to advancing research, collaboration, and career development in the cardiovascular field.

Nicole Purcell

Nicole Purcell, Ph.D.



Liming Pei

Liming Pei, Ph.D.

Maria Kontaridis, Ph.D.



Jen Davis, Ph.D.

Partha Dutta, DVM, Ph.D.

Wei Guo, Ph.D.

Mark Kohr, Ph.D.

Catherine A. Makarewich

Cat Makarewich, Ph.D.

Tim O’Connell, Ph.D.

Marlin Touma

Marlin Touma, MD, Ph.D.

Michael Tranter, Ph.D.


Min Xie, MD, Ph.D.

Liya Yin, MD, Ph.D.